Kelly Asian 8
Quaking Aspen
Hicks Upright Yew
Beacon Silver Dead Nettle
Quaking Aspen

Common name:Quaking Aspen
Botanical name:Populus tremuloides

Though iconic to the Rocky Mountains, Aspen aren't well suited to our urban and valley landscapes. They resent the summer heat and the lack of snow, and as such are prone to a host of disease and pest issues. And if that's not enough, their tendency to sucker can create a maintenance nightmare. Consider instead Serviceberry or Manchurian Ash for a similar appearance.

Hicks Upright Yew

Common name:Hicks Upright Yew
Botanical name:Taxus X media 'Hicksii'


Common name:Pansy
Botanical name:Viola

Okay, so you might not think of pansies as a low-water plant, but given that they are typically planted in the fall or early spring, they manage on very little supplemental watering, at least until summer. So, used in those seasons, they may be well suited to a water-wise garden. They come in too many colors and combinations to mention. They are all relatively low-growing, and bloom when its cool. A wonderful companion to flowering cabbage and kale. Just don't put them out in the sun in the hot summer months and expect them to thrive.

Beacon Silver Dead Nettle

Common name:Beacon Silver Dead Nettle
Botanical name:Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver '

'Beacon Silver' is another lamium cultivar, with silver-white leaves and green margins. The margin between the white and green areas seems more crisp than in 'White Nancy.' Grows about 6 inches tall and 18 to 24 inches wide by underground runners. Has small pink flowers in late spring to early summer. A great groundcover for partial shady to shady areas.

Designer: Kelly Pack

Kelly Asian 8

Photographer: GardenSoft

Water Saving Tip:

Change spray sprinklers to low-flow bubbler or drip systems. Shrubs and trees are ideal candidates for this type of irrigation because the water is applied directly to the root zones.