WC Neighbor 13
Golden Variegated Hakone grass
Red Cutleaf Japanese Maple
Blue Atlas Cedar
Heartleaf Bergenia
Pyramidal European Hornbean
Golden Variegated Hakone grass

Common name:Golden Variegated Hakone grass
Botanical name:Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola'

Golden Variegated Hakone grass is a lush and graceful ornamental grass. The cascading, hair-like foliage is broad and variegated with cream, chartreuse, and green. Illuminates dark corners and adds texture. Particularly effective planted under shrubs and small trees with contrasting foliage, such as viburnums, hydrangeas, and japanese maple.

Red Cutleaf Japanese Maple

Common name:Red Cutleaf Japanese Maple
Botanical name:Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'

This Japanese Maple has an upright, rounded form. Leaves emerge bright red in spring, and deepen to a burgundy-bronze as they age. Fall color is brilliant red. Grows 15 to 18 feet tall and wide, though it will do so slowly.

Blue Atlas Cedar

Common name:Blue Atlas Cedar
Botanical name:Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'

As a large, slow-growing conifer, Blue Atlas Cedar requires ample room for growth. It has a broad, pyramidal form and is an eye-catching specimen for a large landscape. It's needles are 1 inch long, and are a beautiful shade of silvery blue. In order to develop its best color, the tree needs to be exposed to full sun. It can reach up to 40 to 60 feet tall and up to 30 feet wide. There is also a weeping form, Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula.' Cedars have lovely cones, emerging bluish when young and aging a reddish brown.

Heartleaf Bergenia

Common name:Heartleaf Bergenia
Botanical name:Bergenia cordifolia

Bergenia has evergreen, round, heart-shaped, glossy, thick leaves, frequently with fine toothed edges. The leaves are basically stemless, growing off of a shallow rhizome, so, though the leaves are large, the plant has a fairly low profile. Some cultivars have leaves that turn reddish in winter. It is this juxtaposition of low-growing and big-leaf that makes bergenia so a fine addition to the shade border. Flowers bloom in spring, in a range of pinks, lavenders, and plums. Grows about 12 to 16" tall and 12 to 18" wide.

Pyramidal European Hornbean

Common name:Pyramidal European Hornbean
Botanical name:Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata'

This Hornbeam is narrow when young, spreading into a broad cone-shape with age. Grows 35 feet tall and about 20 to 25 feet wide. Dark green, slightly toothed leaves turn yellow in the fall, and the foliage persists into the early winter months. Flowering catkins form in early spring before the foliage emerges; male catkins are yellowish and female catkins are greenish. Fruits are small nutlets in 3-lobed bracts that appear in drooping 5-inch long clusters in summer. Symmetrical and formal in appearance.

Designer: Ward and Child

WC Neighbor 13

Photographer: GardenSoft

Water Saving Tip:

Even though it's hot, your lawn only needs to be watered twice a week to stay healthy.

And don't water the whole lawn for a brown spot—drag out a hose.